CHOC offers these additional support programmes and services as needed and as resources allow.
Recreational Activities
In partnerships with other NGOs like the Just Footprints Foundation, White River Rotarians, Camp Quality, Reach for a Dream and other friends and donors of CHOC, we facilitate children’s outings, day excursions, camps and celebrate birthdays and special days.
Medical Support
As one of the South African Children’s Cancer Study Group (SACCSG’s) strategic partners in civil society, CHOC provides direct support to the paediatric haematology oncology units and provides funding for the maintenance of the South African Children’s Tumour Registry (SACTR). The SACCSG can use the funds for data capturers to capture and report all data of newly diagnosed children to the SACTR or they can use the funds for training or to attend conferences nationally or internationally.
Ward Comforts
We ensure wards are comfortable and child-friendly, which includes decoration and provision of age-appropriate television, games and toys, with rest areas and kitchens for parents.