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Western Cape & Namakwa Region

About Western Cape & Namakwa Region

House capacity:
CHOC Western Cape Region plays host to two CHOC Houses and a Lodge. The CHOC Lodge Tygerberg can accommodate five families receiving treatment at Tygerberg Hospital. The Plumstead CHOC House can accommodates thirteen parents and thirteen children & our Sybrand Park CHOC House can accommodates four parents and four children.Families accommodated at the  Plumstead and Sybrand Park CHOC Houses receives treatment at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch Medical Centre, Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital.

Approximate number of staff members:
CHOC Western Cape Region has 10 permanent staff members and one Administration Intern.

How many bed nights were served:
In the Financial Year 2020/ 2021 CHOC Western Cape Region’s two CHOC Houses and one Lodge provided a total of 6 860 bed nights to parents who travel long distances for treatment.

Transport costs:
In the Financial Year 2020/2021 CHOC Western Cape Region disbursed Transport Fund assistance to 1 229 children and 1 320 parents treated jointly at Tygerberg Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. This amounted to R103 320 disbursed over twelve months.

Psychosocial support given:
CHOC Western Cape Region has 1 x Social Auxiliary placed Worker placed in the Paediatric Oncology Ward at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. This CHOC SAW practices under the supervision of the Paediatric Oncology Social Worker and together  Psychosocial support is given to families who are on the treatment  journey, bereaved parents and  families whose children are on follow up and remission.

Meals given in the last financial year:
CHOC Western Cape provides nutritional support on a monthly basis to the parents who receives treatment at the Paediatric Oncology Units of Tygerberg Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. CHOC donates both food hampers and food vouchers to the Units on a monthly basis.

In the Financial Year 2020/ 2021 CHOC Western Cape Region disbursed a total of 282 food hampers and 108 food vouchers.

Meet the Regional Manager

Lynette Muthuray

Lynette Muthuray first joined CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation in 2012. After holding a position as an Electoral Project Coordinator at the Independent Electoral Commission she returned to CHOC in 2016 as the Regional Manager for the Western Cape & Namakwa Region. She is passionate about CHOC and believes wholehearted in making a difference in the lives of children diagnosed with cancer and their families.

CHOC House Plumstead

Tel: 021 761 5304

CHOC House Sybrand Park

Tel: 021 531 0052

CHOC Lodge Tygerberg

Tel: 021 932 9427

Paediatric Oncology Haematology Units in the Western Cape & Namakwa Region

Donate to the Western Cape & Namakwa Region

Western Cape & Namakwa Region Contact Details

T: 021 531 0052

CHOC House Plumstead:

T: 021 761 5304

CHOC Lodge Tygerberg:

T: 021 932 9427

Physical Address
12 Sybrand Road
Sybrand Park
Cape Town 7700

Banking Details
CHOC – Western Cape
Standard Bank Tyger Manor
Account No: 270894926
Branch Code: 050410