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Practical Support

CHOC offers basic necessities such as Carebags, nutritional support (food parcels) and bereavement support the children and their families. The majority of families CHOC assists come from extremely impoverished areas.

In most cases, one, or both parents, can no longer work because they need to take care of the child during treatment. This can mean that children do not have access to basic necessities such as toiletries and nutritious food to ensure they remain healthy during treatment.

Carebags are issued to newly diagnosed patients on admission to hospital. The bags contain the necessary toiletries needed during their stay as well as fun activities for the children, e.g. colouring books, crayons, games and puzzles.

The Carebag also contains a CHOC parent information book which gives the family an overall look at the different types of childhood cancers and what they can expect during the treatment cycle.

Bereavement funds are a gift to the family on the death of their child. Whilst not prescriptive, many families use the funds towards the funeral costs.

Psychosocial support staff assess the family’s home and financial situation and where needed food parcels are issued. The contents ensure that the family has access to healthy and nutritious meals at home. The parcel has enough food for several days and is reissued on return to the hospital.

Some regions provide food to ward kitchens, and “padkos” for children and parents when they are travelling home.

Find out more about our other CHOC programmes