CHOC WC Region had a very busy first six months of the year 2018. We achieved an amazing milestone through the relocation of a  CHOC House from BergvliettoSybrand Park which is closer to  two of the main Treatment Centres. The Region’s been continuing in providing it’s home away from home accommodation to families   which  brings great relief to them. The Plumstead CHOC House continues in receiving referrals from Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch Medical Centre Private Hospital , Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital while the CHOC Lodge Tygerberg continues in receiving referrals from Tygerberg Hospital. The newly obtained Sybrand Park CHOC House started admitting families as from 05 May 2018 and also receives referrals from Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Groote Schuur.

The Region as from January 2018 to May 2018, assisted a total of 478 adults and 422 children with transportation funds to the value of R68 661 to ensure they do not abandon treatment.. The Region continued to provide care bags to newly diagnosed children being admitted into the wards.  The Region’s morning tea  still takes place during the outpatient clinics at both Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Tygerberg Hospitaltwice per week. This is made possible through the commitment of dedicated Hospital Volunteers. They play a critical role during the implementation of our Practical Support Programme in the  treatment centre and we truly appreciate them and the work they do.

We  proudly partnered with the Department of Health’s Health Promoters through providing Early Warning Signs Training to traiditional leaders  in Khayaletisha to promote early diagnosis. CHOC Western Cape & Namaqwa Region would not be able to render its services without the support of all our Donors, Funders, Corporates, Philanthropy Organisations and the CHOC Cows. We Thank you all for helping us in keepimg more tha hope alive.

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