CHOC proudly has thirteen accommodation facilities across the country. Our two latest additions are pictured above. On the left is the new CHOC House in Sybrand Park, Cape Town; and on the right the new CHOC House in Centurion. In Cape Town, CHOC had a house in Bergvliet (as well as in Plumbstead and at Tygerberg Hospital). However, as we needed larger office space for the CHOC Western Cape office, and as we needed a property closer to Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital, we sold in Bergvliet and bought a house in Sybrand Park (which is within walking distance from Red Cross). The house was officially opened by our Chairman, Nagm Azar and the Regional Manager of the Western Cape and Namakwa, Lynette Muthuray, at a House Warming Ceremony, on the 12th of July 2018.


CHOC House Pretoria provided 8 beds and 2,386 bed nights in 2017 for children, teens and care givers. Due to the significant increase in demand for accommodation, the 3 bedroom CHOC house in Pretoria became very limited and a bigger house was urgently required. Though the sale of our previous property and  the generous support of Clover Nutrikids, we are currently in the process of relocating to a new premises that will offer a lot more space to accommodate our beneficiaries, as well a larger office and storage space. The new premises is a 6 bedroom house situated in Lyttelton Manor (Centurion) – very close to Unitas Hospital . Most of  the children and parents that stay with us are treated at Unitas, and a significant portion also come from Steve Biko Hospital (Pretoria). The official house opening will be done by CHOC and Clover South Africa at the end of September. A big thank you to Clover for all of your support – not just for this house, but for the many you have assisted us purchasing over the years!!!

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