September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

“They shouldn’t ever have to ask their mommy and daddy if they’re going to die.” This profound quote by Kathryn, mom of Will, a four-and-a-half-month-old neuroblastoma patient,1 epitomises the devastating struggle of families facing childhood cancer across the globe. 

Indeed; those who have never had to face their child’s cancer diagnosis, may be fortunate enough to escape the fate. One in 500 children in South Africa won’t be so lucky.2

This is where non-profit organisation, CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa, is asking South Africans of all ages to walk a mile in childhood cancer families’ shoes this September.

Around the world, September is commemorated as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. It is a month of hope … hope for better treatment outcomes, hope for a brighter and healthier future for young cancer patients.


The CHOC team has launched a golden collection of attractive black and gold merchandise which can be purchased in support of our comprehensive support of families of kids with cancer and life-threatening blood disorders. Paint your lives gold with must-have face masks, buffs, shirts, socks, bags and wristbands, today!

September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

It was our own beloved Bishop Desmond Tutu who said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light, despite all of the darkness.”


Walk the journey with CHOC this September. Make a difference by going all out to support our Gold September! For further information please contact us on or purchase directly from our online shop

Find out More about Supporting CHOC

Contact us to find out more about getting involved with CHOC, or to request more information.

To find out more about how CHOC supports children and teens with cancer, and their families, visit

To get involved with CHOC, visit 

References: 1.  2.  Internationally, 150 per million children are diagnosed with cancer annually. This equates to 1 in 500 to 1 in 600 children being diagnosed per year.

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